Saturday, December 26, 2009

For Diamonds, For Love

Dress:: Made by me.
This for our winter formal :) It was date, but plenty of picture taking--for yearbook. I saw a red version of the dress my friend wanted from Modcloth ^^
Anyways, this dress turned out...super short and tight, which is no problem, as long as I didn't sit down. I need to make a conscious effort to dress better, and take more pictures of myself. I really want to get onto Lookbook . My sewing machine broke soon after, and I need to get it fixed....have a couple of projects lined up. Oh something interesting picked up from a book :: Hokori wo motsu.


1 comment:

Michelle said...

You made that dress?! Lady, that is GORGEOUS, and it looks fabulous on you. You are one talented miss :)
