Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Rainy Day
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday
Anyways, after hitting the department stores, we went to lunch at this place in China town. Then back to shopping...After lunch we went to GAP and H&M. I was desperately searching for oversized sweaters but no such luck (even in guys section, the XL wasn't long enough for my expectations...and by then, the sleeves were wayy too ridiculously long)
However, in Gap, I did find they had a buy1get1free sweater sale. I ended up getting a long light brown cardi, and my friend go the same, except in grey, and in a smaller size. I was pretty happy with it. The price, too (~$13).
This was actually my first time in H&M and I was delighted to find awesome things in affordable prices. I got two scarves---one in a pretty salmon color, and another in lightblue/lt.brown. I also purchased a dk. blue blouse =] Blouses are back! :D Although it's not my usual style, I think it'll be a nice change from all my summer tanktops and T's.
I'm still looking for a pair of nice NOTseethrough leggings so I can wear shorts/skirts in the Winter. I walk to school..so, keeping warm is a must ^^;.
Okay. Whew, long post. Happy late Thanksgiving and Happy Black Friday everyone!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tank- CC California, blouse- mom's, jeans- Old Navy
That's the bow =] I love it, really adds character to the whole blouse? The only complaint I have about the blouse is that the sleeves are a bit short, since it is my mother's and she's shorter than I am.
And btw I'm happy today. Got an 800 on Chinese SAT2's :]
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Threadbare tights
The fact that the tights were so threadbare really appealed to me, actually. And I've had this T for forever, but I love it, because it's casual, but not super casual :) Like, the material is, but the detailing spruces it up.
Shirt detail...
Haahahah and there's a random pose for you! :]
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
warm and furry
Well for $20, quality and look isn't bad. The inside is lined with some furry stuff and it's actually pretty warm. It's also has a semi turtle neck if you zip it. :]
I am happy to say I also think it has a somewhat more conservative chic look. Because the sleeves were too short to my liking on the medium, i got the large. The sleeves are longer and even though it is not as formfitting it doesn't swallow me, since I'm a bit taller.
Friday, November 14, 2008
New skirt :]
Haha. We were taking pictures during recess at Chinese school xDD
Okok. So anyways, my neighbor wanted to fast....so I'm going to be hungry for the weekend XP Thankfully my dad and brother won't be home so I'll have less people to be angry at if my hunger gets the best of me lol. I will just...sew, write my stupid essay, and drink lots of water! Byebyee~
"Oppa~ Pabsahjoh...." Lol?!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I was surprised to get so much positive feedback at the dance, but, yay! :] The dance was ok...they did too many senior only things and not enough slow songs :o
I don't really know if i'll ever wear this dress again. Perhaps I should shorten it into a shirt? :o
Monday, October 13, 2008
It's Sunday...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Anklet I wore today, just on a whim.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Lab day

So...this morning took two pictures. Thought both were interesting..but didn't want to bore you with the exact same place & clothes, so I photohopped it! hahah.
Yellow tank- Urban Outiftters. Cropped pants-- REI. Green tank-- Target. Oh and what's great about the pants is that they're water resistant and can zip off, and that's why I wore these today :]-- cause we have to wear long pants for lab days, and I didn't really want to wear long pants.
I got bored on the way home from polo and decided to give you a different background xDD Oh and that's my school bag btw. I found it in my mom's closet. It's really durable, which was a pleasant surprise.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Lazy Saturday
Today is Saturday and I woke up at 10. It was awesome. This past week I've been sleeping so late...Anyways, today's lazy day. Do all my homework and whatever. It's cold today and it rained in the morning :/
Friday, October 3, 2008
In the Dark
Tunic dress, American Rag. Jacket, Billabong. Tights, Fleurish. Flipflops, OldNavy.
Haha. I like this look a lot. It's practical and comfortable, and the neckline is not too revealing, but not super covered up. Plus the tights are really REALLY comfortable. I'm very sad because I don't remember where I got them ><
Lol anyways, I actually hung my camera on a fence to take this picture ^^v.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Walking Home..
The blue tank top was a free one from Wet Seal, courtesy of a coupon from Seventeen Magazine...last month? The skirt is from Old Navy, it's actually quite old..I believe I've had it since sixth grade..The shrug is from NET, store in Asia. It's very comfortable and can be worn belted or unbelted.
Just on another note, I was a bit disappointed these few months because I have not seen many nice skirts in stores :/ They're either too short, or slightly longer than I would like. I really really like these mid-thigh legnth flouncy skirt though :) They make anyone legs look nicer. haha~ The only drawback is that if you live somewhere really windy...xD;;;
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Baby the Stars Shine Bright?
Monday Polo..
This is just..my sloppy comfortable outfit. The long sleeve T is from this past summer's Local Missions Trip, and it's oversized but super comfy. Shorts are our polo Soffee shorts. They're super short...but really comfortable also haha~